With God life has no limits, because death has no victory.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

First, you have to leave...

We are set for departure. Calvin & I, that is. I just hope he can hold up, poor guy. He has had a lot of hard miles, and doesn't move like I'd like him to, but oh well. I went to cram stuff into his half-of-a-trunk, only to discover the trunk would not open. I was thinking bad thoughts aimed in his general direction, when the Brother With All The Luck in the family comes over, did the exact same thing I did, and bam...open trunk. Then, I got side-tracked when said brother decided to show me how to light my clothes on fire with ether. I walked into the kitchen & presented myself to Mom with my hood in flames, and the brother trailing along behind, singing Happy Birthday. It was epic. I was again reminded how much I shall miss this crazy thing they call home.

But, despite the distractions, I did manage to pack. Now...for the leaving part...

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